Code subscribing banks

Eighteen banks – accounting for most of the Australian banking industry – have signed on to the Banking Code. They are:…

Banking Code of Practice Resource

Banking Code of Practice Setting the standards of practice for banks, their staff and their representatives 1 March 2020 Release (revised 5 October 2021) This version of the Code came…

Other help for bank customers

A range of other organisations provide free information and services to help customers with banking and financial issues….

Case study - complaints handling News

…to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). However, the customer did separately confirm they were considering lodging a complaint with AFCA. The BCCC reviewed the customer’s allegations through its Triage…

BCCC Inquiry Report: Banks' compliance with the Banking Code's guarantee obligations Resource

Executive summary In 2019, the Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) commenced an Inquiry into banks’ compliance with the guarantee obligations in the Code of Banking Practice.1 The Code’s guarantee obligations…

BCCC Report - Building Organisational Capability: How banks can improve compliance with the Banking Code of Practice and deliver better customer outcomes Resource

Banking Code Compliance Committee Bulletin - September 2019 News

…under the new Charter, a timely opportunity for the Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC), to reset its goals and areas of focus. The Charter grants the BCCC (formerly the Banking…

Raise a concern

Concerns are an important source of information about potential Code breaches and they help us monitor compliance with obligations in the Banking Code of Practice (the Code). If you believe…


…appropriate measures for banking services provided through Bank@Post, with a particular focus on: having adequate mechanisms to identify and report on non-compliance with Code obligations, oversight and evidence to demonstrate…

Other help for small business and farmers

A range of other organisations provide information and services to help small businesses and farmers with banking and financial issues….