BCCC Finding – CX4623
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2 September, 2020 - in Investigations
Following an investigation into alleged Code breaches made by a customer, the BCCC found that the bank breached the following 2013 Code provisions:
- clause 28.2 (overcoming financial difficulty)
- clause 28.3 and 32.1 (dealing with authorised representatives)
- clause 28.6 (responding to financial difficulty requests)
- clause 28.8 (written reasons for financial difficulty assistance)
- clause 37.2 (internal dispute resolution)
- clause 9 (staff training and competency), and
- clause 3.2 (fair and reasonable conduct).
Download the Finding to read about the key issues and reasons for the Finding.
This investigation was initiated by the Code Compliance Monitoring Committee (CCMC) in August 2018 and since 1 July 2019, the BCCC had carriage of the matter in accordance with its Charter.