The Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) is developing the priorities for our  2023–24 work program and would like to hear from you on issues that may be causing detriment to bank customers or leading to poor outcomes.

Our current priorities

We received valuable input on current and emerging industry issues from our stakeholders as part of the public consultation we held last year to develop our 2022 -23 Business Plan.

Our current areas of focus, which include follow-up inquiries into the Guarantees obligations, Part 4 (Vulnerability, Inclusivity and Accessibility) obligations and an inquiry into small business and agribusiness issues, were informed by the submissions we received through the consultation process.

Banks’ compliance with the Deceased Estates obligations and implementation of recommendations from the independent reviews of the BCCC and Code are also priority areas.

Hearing your thoughts

In December 2022, we commenced a survey to collect information on new and emerging issues, particularly on those that may cause harm to bank customers, including individual and small business customers.

We invited interested parties to complete a survey, to share their views on what the BCCC priorities should be for the 2023-24 period. The survey closed on 13 February 2023.

We would like to thank participants for sharing your valuable perspectives and making a submission to the BCCC’s consultation on our compliance priorities.

We are carefully considering all submissions we received, as well as drawing on insights from stakeholder engagement, data and information we collect, to determine our priorities for the year ahead.

We will publish BCCC’s 2023-24 Business Plan, outlining our priority areas and the focus of our monitoring activities, once this is finalised.


Our monitoring program

The BCCC’s purpose is to monitor and drive best practice compliance with the Banking Code of Practice. Our aim is to help banks lift their standard of service, giving customers a better banking experience.

We do this by:

  • Looking at banks’ practices to identify problems
  • Recommending improvements, and
  • Reporting publicly on our findings.

Our monitoring program incorporates regular self-reporting by banks, major and targeted inquiries, and investigations of potential breaches of the Code.

Selecting our priorities

Each year we aim to focus our resources on the most important code compliance issues, particularly issues that are industry-wide, serious or systemic.

To do this, we rely on our Code Monitoring Priority Framework, which works like a risk model to help us identify the compliance issues we should prioritise in our monitoring and investigations.

We value the perspective of bank customers, consumer advocates, Code subscribers, and other stakeholders. Stakeholder feedback is used to inform the Code Monitoring Priority Framework.

Publication of survey responses

We intend to publish survey submissions on our website.

If you want whole or part of your survey response to be treated as confidential or to be published on a deidentified basis, please let us know.

For more information about how we handle personal information, please refer to our privacy policy.